The Game of [the] Throne (Win, Lose, or Poop)

(originally posted September 17, 2012)

WARNING: Gory potty-training details to follow. Stop reading now if you just don’t wanna know. (keep reading if you don’t wanna know, but can’t stop now… you have been warned.)

Yesterday was a banner day in the potty-training realm. Our little one, after having a tiny accident of the pee-pee variety in her undies, was sitting on the potty while I went into the other room to rinse them out. Then I heard: “Daaad, I’m pooping!” She had yet to perform said action in the potty, so I froze for second before bounding back to her- to find her sitting on her throne, proud as a pooping peacock (or peahen, as it were). A very proud moment, for all. This is working! Our little girl is getting it!

Fast forward to: bath time. We had her try and sit on the potty before getting in the bath. No luck. But, no worries - if she pees in the bath, she pees in the bath. She’s been doing that since she was a baby. Whatevs.

Well, after washing, she was playing in the tub. At one point she got up and squatted- then reached around and grabbed her bottom. “Are you pooping??” I said, worriedly. To which she replied, “Nooo,” as if that was the most ridiculous thing I could ask…

And then she pooped in the tub.

Much calamity ensues, I’m yanking her out of the tub at warp speed, my wife comes running into the bathroom, the poops take a little swim in the shallow end… all the while amidst the chaos, we’re trying to make it clear ‘we don’t do that’ but trying not to make too much of a big deal- because you don’t want her to be afraid to poop outside her diaper.

So yeah, call it a draw for me for the day. Had to toss her poop out of the potty- as would be expected. Then had to fish her poop out of the bathwater with a baby wipe- definitely not expected. I guess on one hand I should be glad it’s never happened before- despite one scare. On the other hand, handling water-logged poo is nothing to be glad about- whether it be the first time or tenth.

And so it continues. More adventures to come, I am sure. It’s like they say: Some days you’re the poop-er, and some days you’re- no. No, I am pretty sure they don’t say that.