Breakfast with my special K.

(originally posted on July 20, 2011) 

For much of my life, I wasn’t really a breakfast person. That’s not to say I didn’t like breakfast foods- I just didn’t have the need to eat in the morning, nor really the desire. When my life turned more nine to fivey, I started feeling the need to eat that first meal of the day, but usually waited til I got to work to have a bite. And now, thanks to our little miss K., my life is more 24 hours a day-ey, I am getting up much earlier (than I’d like, really), and so I feel the need to eat sooner.

I’m learning to love the joys of eating breakfast at home, even if it means missing out on that extra half hour of sleep. And how could I not when there’s someone there who wants to share my breakfast- whatever I’m eating, and whether I want to or not. No matter if a take a seat on the couch or at the kitchen table, I’ve soon got two little eyes peering up just over the rim of my bowl, and two little hands on my knees gaining leverage to try and see just what’s in that bowl. And as the spoon goes towards my mouth, hers opens up in that perfect little toothy circle, to beckon the spoon towards her. I explain to her she probably won’t like it, or it’s not for her- and yet I break up a little piece onto my spoon and acquiesce. Sometimes it’ll just be that bite, but usually she waits around for seconds… thirds… having a 15 month-old on the other side of your bowl can really help with portion control.

On mornings where we’re running a bit behind, or need to get out the door early, and there’s not enough time to eat before I leave- I’m bummed, as I so look forward to my usual breakfast date. So I try my best to make it happen. It only took having a baby to get me to sit down and enjoy the most important meal of the day.